FAQs Customer service – private customers
To help you, we have compiled a list of answers to frequently asked questions.
Customer transaction
The Oma Fennia online service allows you to claim compensation, update your contact information, send us messages and view your insurance policies.
Log in to Oma FenniaOn the Buy insurance online pages (in Finnish), you can buy insurance policies and use the request for an offer form (in Finnish) to request an offer for insurance policies.
Our service languages in Oma Fennia are Finnish and Swedish.
Call our customer service if you have any questions about your customer relationship. For example, you can make changes to your policies or ask about billing issues. If you in turn have questions about claims and compensation issues, call our claims service.
You can also contact Fennia's claim partners, which are insurance-specific telephone services where our professionals in each field provide assistance in ongoing situations.
Contact information for private customers (in Finnish) See instructions for claim situationsOur service languages in customer service are Finnish and Swedish.
Voluntary insurance and motor liability insurance for an unregistered vehicle can be terminated in Oma Fennia. Choose Viestit (Messages) > Lähetä uusi viesti (Send a new message) > Vakuutusasiat (Insurance matters) > Vakuutuksen päättäminen (Termination of insurance) > Valitse vakuutus (Select insurance) > Fill in the required information/termination form.
Log in to Oma FenniaInsurance policies for a registered vehicle end once a change report is processed by Traficom.
Our service languages in Oma Fennia are Finnish and Swedish.
You can report a change of address due to a move or other reasons in Posti’s OmaPosti service, in which case the changed address information will be sent to Fennia through the Population Information System.
Please note that a simple change of address in OmaPosti is not enough to change the address on the insurance policy. You will need to update your coverage in the event of a change of address. The easiest way to report a change is to send a message in Oma Fennia. Choose Viestit (Messages) > Lähetä uusi viesti (Send a new message).
Log in to Oma FenniaOur service languages in Oma Fennia are Finnish and Swedish.
You can schedule an appointment for an office meeting in the appointment booking service. If you wish, you can also book an online meeting .
Our service languages in customer service are Finnish and Swedish.
How to schedule an office appointment

How to schedule an online meeting

In the customer information section, we ask for your personal identity code so that we can have your insurance information ready before the meeting. For private customers, we also check credit information before making a new insurance offer.
If you can’t make it to an appointment you have scheduled, you can use the reservation key in the confirmation email to cancel the appointment. You can enter the reservation key in the appointment scheduling service’s Muuta tai peruuta varaus (Change or cancel appointment) field.
Cancel your appointment for an office meeting Cancel your appointment for an online meetingYou can also cancel by calling our customer service.
Contact information for private customers (in Finnish) Contact information for corporate customers (in Finnish)Please note that we also have the right to cancel an appointment if necessary. In this case, we will offer to replace the appointment with a solution such as a scheduled phone call or online meeting. In these exceptional situations, we will contact you separately.
You can take care of Fennia’s insurance matters in the Oma Fennia online service even if you are not our customer.
You can log in to Oma Fennia with your bank credentials or a mobile certificate.
Log in to Oma FenniaOur service languages in Oma Fennia are Finnish and Swedish.
If you wish to authorise another natural person such as your spouse to act on your behalf, you must authorise them by power of attorney. The easiest way to authorise a person is through Oma Fennia online service. Select Viestit (Messages) > Lähetä uusi viesti (Send a new message) > Muu (Other) > Valtuuttaminen (Power of attorney).
You may not authorise another natural person to manage the termination of your insurance policy, the issuing of your medical report, or your personal claims matters.
To facilitate insurance transactions, please tell our customer service experts on whose behalf you are acting, and whether you have a valid power of attorney to handle the matters.
Log in to Oma FenniaOur service languages in Oma Fennia are Finnish and Swedish.
Fennia and Fennia Life’s official service languages are Finnish and Swedish. It is necessary for both the insurer and the customer to ensure that things are understood, and communication is smooth.
If the customer does not understand Finnish or Swedish, Fennia may require the customer to sign an interpreting commitment. Some transactions related to routine management of existing insurance policies can be carried out without an interpreter or translator if the customer and Fennia’s customer service representative have a common language (such as English). If the customer does not speak Fennia’s or Fennia Life’s service languages, the companies only offer insurance coverage and enter into insurance contracts on the following conditions:
- The insurance applicant uses an interpreter or translator when concluding the insurance contract.
- Alternatively, the insurance applicant may appoint a Finnish- or Swedish-speaking adult representative to Fennia, who may act on behalf of the applicant to accept the content of the information obligation and answer any questions asked. However, a representative may not be used for particularly personal transactions such as issuing a medical report or a designation of beneficiaries.
- The interpreter or translator must be a professional interpreter or translator (such as from a regional interpreter centre).
- The policyholder must also use a professional interpreter, a professional translator or a representative after the conclusion of the insurance contract in non-routine transactions and when reviewing documents, as well as their own written communication.
- The customer is responsible for the costs of using an interpreter, translator or representative.
Fennia requires the customer and their representative to verify their identities through strong electronic identification on Oma Fennia or by scheduling a personal appointment at a Fennia branch office, where identities are verified using a personal identity document.
Motor liability insurance is a mandatory form of insurance for all vehicles, covering personal injuries and property damages to the innocent party. With comprehensive motor vehicle insurance such as car insurance, you also protect your own vehicle. There are options for different scopes of comprehensive motor vehicle insurance, allowing you to choose the most suitable for your vehicle and budget.
You can easily perform vehicle decommissioning, commissioning, and other registration changes in Traficom's My e-Service. Once you have made the changes, the information will be automatically transmitted to Fennia.
Traficom charges a fee for changes according to its own price list.
Fennia’s vehicle insurance policies and changes to them can be managed most conveniently in the Oma Fennia online service’s Vakuutukset (Insurance) section.
If you make any changes to Fennia’s vehicle insurance, please check that your account number is up to date for any premium refunds. You can check your account number in Oma Fennia’s Omat tiedot ja asetukset (My Details) section.
Log in to Oma FenniaOur service languages in Oma Fennia are Finnish and Swedish.
You can terminate a voluntary motor vehicle insurance policy, meaning a comprehensive motor vehicle insurance policy or “kasko”. If the vehicle is owned by a financing company, discuss the termination with the financing company first. Your financing agreement may require the comprehensive motor vehicle insurance to remain in force while the financing company owns the vehicle. You can file a notice of termination in Oma Fennia. Go to Vakuutukset (Insurances) and choose the insurance you want to terminate and select Irtisano vakuutus (Terminate insurance).
You can only terminate statutory motor liability insurance if the vehicle has been decommissioned from traffic use first. If the vehicle is no longer used in traffic, you can decommission the vehicle from traffic use on the Traficom (traficom.fi) website and terminate the motor liability insurance in Oma Fennia’s Viestit (Messages) section. Choose Viestit (Messages) > Lähetä uusi viesti (Send a new message).
You do not need to notify us separately if you switch your vehicle's insurance to another insurance company or sell your vehicle.
Log in to Oma FenniaOur service languages in Oma Fennia are Finnish and Swedish.
You will always need a Green Card if you are travelling with your vehicle to Green Card countries outside the EEA. However, we recommend that you keep your Green Card with you whenever you travel outside the Nordic countries. The Green Card proves the validity of your motor liability insurance abroad.
Fennia’s Green Card lists the countries where the motor liability insurance is valid.
Remember to order your Green Card well in advance of your trip. Log in to Oma Fennia and select Vakuutukset (Insurances) > Ajoneuvovakuutus (Vehicle insurance) > Tilaa Green Card (Order Green Card). We will send it to you by mail.
Log in to Oma FenniaOur service languages in Oma Fennia are Finnish and Swedish.
You can enable e-invoices in your own online bank, and the easiest way to do this is to do it when paying the invoice. After confirming the payment, the online bank will offer to enter into an e-invoicing agreement.
If you wish, you can also enable e-invoices by logging in to the online bank and searching for “Keskinäinen Vakuutusyhtiö Fennia” in the list of e-invoicers. By clicking on the name, you will be able to enter into an agreement. Please note that to conclude the agreement, you will need the details of the latest invoice, such as the customer number and reference number.
You can request more payment time for your invoices with the form (in Finnish), but not for life insurance invoices. For the request, we need your customer number and invoice number, which you can find on your invoice.
If you have signed an e-invoicing agreement with Fennia, you can see your pending invoices in your online bank. All invoices submitted by us are also saved in Oma Fennia’s Laskut (Invoices) section.
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