FAQs Customer service – corporate customers
To help you, we have compiled a list of answers to frequently asked questions.
Customer transaction
If you are the administrator of a corporate Oma Fennia account, you can change the company’s phone number, email and the account number for insurance premium refunds in Oma Fennia’s Omat tiedot ja asetukset (My Details) tab.
If you wish to change other customer information or invoicing information for your company, you can leave a message in the Viestit (Messages) section of Oma Fennia (Viestit > Uusi viesti), use the Oma Fennia chat service or call our customer service.
Our service languages in customer service and in corporate Oma Fennia are Finnish and Swedish.
Log in to corporate Oma FenniaYou can download an insurance certificate for your company's insurance in the corporate Oma Fennia online service.
If the insurance certificate is unavailable for download in the Vakuutukset (Insurance) section, you can request the certificate by messaging in the Viestit (Messages) section (Viestit > Uusi viesti).
Log in to corporate Oma FenniaNotify Fennia about the change to your company’s address so that we can update your insurance coverage if necessary and take the related business risks into account.
You can notify Fennia of the change in corporate Oma Fennia with a message (Viestit > Uusi viesti), through our chat service, or by calling our customer service.
Log in to corporate Oma FenniaYou can buy insurance by phone and through the Oma Fennia chat if you are already a customer, or at a personal meeting.
The company’s insurance matters can only be handled by a party representing the company based on the information in the Trade Register. When discussing insurance matters, we always check that the right of representation is still valid and ask for additional information if necessary. Keeping the information in the Trade Register up to date makes it easier to manage your insurance. A natural person may also be authorised to manage insurance matters.
Please note that Fennia and Fennia Life’s official service languages are Finnish and Swedish. If you do not speak either language, we only provide insurance coverage and enter into insurance contracts on certain conditions.
Log in to corporate Oma FenniaFennia and Fennia Life’s official service languages are Finnish and Swedish. It is necessary for both the insurer and the customer to ensure that things are understood, and communication is smooth.
If the customer does not understand Finnish or Swedish, Fennia may require the customer to sign an interpreting commitment. Some transactions related to routine management of existing insurance policies can be carried out without an interpreter or translator if the customer and Fennia’s customer service representative have a common language (such as English). If the customer does not speak Fennia’s or Fennia Life’s service languages, the companies only offer insurance coverage and enter into insurance contracts on the following conditions:
- The insurance applicant uses an interpreter or translator when concluding the insurance contract.
- Alternatively, the insurance applicant may appoint a Finnish- or Swedish-speaking adult representative to Fennia, who may act on behalf of the applicant to accept the content of the information obligation and answer any questions asked. However, a representative may not be used for particularly personal transactions such as issuing a medical report or a designation of beneficiaries.
- The interpreter or translator must be a professional interpreter or translator (such as from a regional interpreter centre).
- The policyholder must also use a professional interpreter, a professional translator or a representative after the conclusion of the insurance contract in non-routine transactions and when reviewing documents, as well as their own written communication.
- The customer is responsible for the costs of using an interpreter, translator or representative.
Fennia requires the customer and their representative to verify their identities through strong electronic identification on Oma Fennia or by scheduling a personal appointment at a Fennia branch office, where identities are verified using a personal identity document.
Corporate Oma Fennia allows users to be granted different levels of access rights, depending on the user’s duties. An administrator can view the access levels for all the company’s users.
Learn more about levels of access rights (in Finnish)Please note that access rights granted in Oma Fennia only grant the right to manage affairs in the Oma Fennia online service. In other channels, you need a separate power of attorney to handle insurance matters. You can ask about power of attorney documents by sending a message in Oma Fennia.
Our service languages in customer service and in corporate Oma Fennia are Finnish and Swedish.
You can schedule an online meeting for yourself or your company. If you wish, you can also schedule an appointment with the office appointment service .
Our customer service’s service languages are Finnish and Swedish.
How to schedule an online meeting

How to schedule an office appointment

In the customer information section, we ask for your personal identity code or business ID so that we can have your insurance information ready before the meeting. We check that the person attending the meeting is authorised to manage the company’s insurance matters. If your company has its own contact person at Fennia, you can contact them directly.
If you can’t make it to an appointment you have scheduled, you can use the reservation key in the confirmation email to cancel the appointment. You can enter the reservation key in the appointment scheduling service’s Muuta tai peruuta varaus (Change or cancel appointment) field.
Cancel your appointment for an office meeting Cancel your appointment for an online meetingYou can also cancel by calling our customer service.
Contact information for private customers (in Finnish) Contact information for corporate customers (in Finnish)Please note that we also have the right to cancel an appointment if necessary. In this case, we will offer to replace the appointment with a solution such as a scheduled phone call or online meeting. In these exceptional situations, we will contact you separately.
If you have an e-invoicing operator, you can see your company’s insurance invoices directly in your e-invoicing operator’s service. E-invoices can be found in your own online bank.
All insurance invoices are saved in the corporate Oma Fennia service. If necessary, you can also print invoices.
The corporate Oma Fennia is only available in Finnish and Swedish.
Log in to corporate Oma FenniaYou can check this with your online bank or e-invoicing operator.
You can order an e-invoice using the link on the corporate Oma Fennia homepage. To order, you need a business ID, an e-invoicing address, and an operator ID.
The corporate Oma Fennia online service is only available in Finnish or Swedish.
Log in to corporate Oma FenniaWe will allocate the overpaid amount to any open insurance invoices. If there are no outstanding premiums, we will refund the amount to the premium account indicated by the company. You can check the account number in corporate Oma Fennia’s Omat tiedot (My Details) section.
If an account number for premiums is not found in the company’s information, and there are no outstanding premiums, we will send the amount as a money order to the bank.
Log in to corporate Oma FenniaNotify Fennia of the change to your company’s billing address. You can indicate this in the corporate Oma Fennia chat service, in the Viestit (Messages) section or by calling our customer service.
Our customer service’s service languages are Finnish and Swedish.
Log in to corporate Oma FenniaNotify Fennia of the change to your company’s e-invoice address.
You can make the report in the corporate Oma Fennia chat service, in the Viestit (Messages) section, or by email to verkkolasku@fennia.fi.
Log in to corporate Oma FenniaWorkers' compensation insurance
In insurances with special premiums, we invoice an advance payment during the year based on the Incomes Register’s occupational class-specific salary data. At the end of the insurance period, we will take the insurance claims paid to your company into account, and you will receive either a refund or an additional charge as a balancing premium.
Valid workers’ compensation insurance is always subject to a minimum insurance premium per calendar year. If the insurance premium calculated based on the occupational class-specific salaries exceeds the minimum insurance premium, the premium is levied based on the occupational class-specific salaries.
The workers’ compensation insurance premium is determined based on the Incomes Register’s occupational class-specific salary amounts. We retrieve salary data from the Incomes Register once per month and charge a workers’ compensation insurance premium according to your desired invoicing cycle.
We recommend invoicing in twelve instalments to keep your company’s cash flow stable. You can also choose invoicing every three, four or six months.
If your company no longer pays salaries and does not need the insurance, please notify us at Oma Fennia as soon as possible. Workers’ compensation insurance cannot be terminated without a separate notification to the insurance company. Notify the insurance company of the end of the insurance need even if the company is no longer obliged to report to the Incomes Register.