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General instructions for claim situations

On this page you will find instructions for most types of claim situations. You can report the loss in the Oma Fennia online service, by phone or, in some cases, by contacting our claim partners. Use the claim partners recommended by Fennia for addressing losses.

Please note that English is not an official service language of Fennia: the terms and conditions and the Oma Fennia online service are available only in Finnish and Swedish. We do not guarantee English-language service in our telephone service, but we will do our best to help in the event of a loss.

If you are unable to handle your claim in Finnish or Swedish, you can authorise a Finnish- or Swedish-speaking adult to handle the claim on your behalf. You can also use a professional interpreter. In some cases, we require the use of a professional interpreter. You are responsible for the costs of interpreting.

Once you have filed a claim report, we will process it and contact you if necessary. We process most claims right away, but more complex claims may take several days to process.

You can report additional information related to the claim in the Oma Fennia online service.

Vehicles and traffic

Illness or accident

Home and property

See also our frequently asked questions

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Vahingot - Sairaus ja tapaturma

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